Bollywood masala has been now-a-days out of taste. Most of the movie which has arrived recently, neither has achieved originality nor persistence in the minds of the viewers. This was not so in the beginning of 20's. But now the time has changed. Some concentrates on songs, some on dresses, some on location, but the story are as usual. But it is not that these movies are bad, it has the new spices but some how it never gets suspended in the minds, it just evaporates. Lot of us, never even remember the name of the films, just remembers that some certain characters/scenes has been an eye catching ones. 'Story!...who knows, might be the same girl boy love story' will be the reaction. On such movie is 'Lafangey Parindey'....But don't ask me, i am still finding out what was it all about, and what was good about, so that i can communicate it to you...ummm
Any way the other way round is also good, why do we watch a movie for, just for a time-pass. So why do you want a movie to revolve around you thought!!! You need to go out of the theater and just forget. It was just meant to flow your money out, for entertainment. It was just one shot. :)
Now for my review section on 'Lafangey Parindey' , very predictable one if you had seen the prom's. It is what is shown. Nothing, no addition and no deletion. But even then, it gives fairy tale impression, why not!!, its yash raj films production right!!
Some wired/funny/fairy tale incidents which I noticed :
*Hero works for a known gunda, but the gunda in-turn is not so violent. He is much more of a seniti and emotional guy. If his best man, or his left hand is dead , he cries and if the hero wants to leave all the gundagardi and want to work normal daily wages like all Indian, he is fine.
*Hero has an occupation of fighting and always win ( god's kid ) and if he lose, then that's only when he sacrifice ....( arey yer that's why he is hero , don't know kya!!! ) and if he did sacrifice , its time for the heroine's heart to melt, run for him; hugs and smooch hero :S
*Hero always listens to whatever heroine says, but if his mentor says the same , he never listens, even during the mentor's death bed ( ahha na!! )
*Hero learnt to skate in such a very less time span, remarkably i can say love can make you do anything :P *Heroine lost only eyes in that accident. Not even a scratch to her beautiful skin. (umm,..strange!! )
*She learnt to walk in the road as if she has eyes, again all blind's need to learn from her.
*And i seriously didn't knew why the cops took so much time to finish there investigation. When the film starts the investigation begins and at the end of the film, the investigation closes and of course culprit's name comes to light,....( aio!!!! why can't the case be given to CID team of sony tv, they will finish it in half a ) *Jublient point : cop works for free ( waw re waw , dedication ) and even when the culprit name is announced, he is free to go, of course!!, ( muah ,...ha ha ah )
*And of-course the skating part was some graphical stuffs, i didn't find it to be real...:S
The wardrobe was very ordinary.Also they repeated the dress many times, esp. deepika's blue t-shirt and 3/4th Capri and niel's yellow black strip shirt with black jeans.The location was not yash raj type, but ya you can make out because even though the half of the story was revolving around 'taporie's', the place was very clean ( i really mean here 'cleanliness' ).Story was like 'I have heard it somewhere' type.
The only thing i liked is the confident the character had, when she lost her eyes, she didn't sit and crib on the lose, she was back to practice skating. That's quite confident, brave step and encouraging for everyone.And yes there were no melodrama, all the melodrama was hidden, Its good to see that when we have so much melodrama in our own life :P
Finally my rating '2.5/5' and Film 'time-pass' ; watch the film if there is no other good movies around and you need to spend your time :)... bcos i did.