New to parenting can be a tedious job especially if it's your first child. I have experienced this as recently I have entered the world of motherhood. Aditya, our son, has just completed eight months now. But these months have been ups and downs. From sudden crying & sleeping tantrums to his 1st smile, it has been a roller coaster ride.
One of the factors to look for when you have a baby is to retain that soft skin of your little one. I am not an expert in this, but here are according to me, based on my recent encounter, the 5 important aspects to look for when it comes to maintaining soft & safe skin of your infant.
Breast feeding
Question arises, is breast feeding an important factor for babies skin!
My thought is that to keep babies skin safe, we would need to make sure they are
well immune to bacterial & other infections. Skin damage can be from frequent infections. While Breast feeding increase immune
system of the babies; we can try avoiding skin damage to certain extend by breast feeding.
Also breast milk contains lots of vitamins, mineral and other nutritional substances; which can act as skin protector
For instance, during his 1st month, he had red spots on his face. As a home remedy, mom suggested
to apply breast milk to these spots. It was effective & natural compare to other chemical lotions.
Lotions, Soap, Powder, Wipes:
Moisturizing is most important for maintaining a soft
skin. Market is filled with different variety of brands of baby products; hence choosing a suitable one as per your babies need is crucial.

We apply lotions to Aditya after bath and during bedtime.
We also use it while potty cleaning, especially if he had a rough time. Along with lotion we sprinkle talcum powder to retain the moisture
content. Many Pediatricians are against talcum powder, but according to my experience, a minimum quantity of powder is a must. Also, there are a variety of powder puffs in the market, which assures only a few grains falls to your little one's body.

Aditya is a sweaty person. He gets heat rashes;
especially during summer season. We use prickly heat powder as a remedy.
During Rainy season, he had got diaper rashes due to frequent urination. On such occasions, a Diaper rash cream comes handy.
Utilizing a recommended soap is best for maintaining
a soft skin. It should be free from harsh chemicals and should not hurt babies cute eyes while bathing.
Clothes can harm the soft skin while potty cleaning. Utilizing water many at times can damage skin or he can catch a cold. To avoid such hassle, we use wipes. It prevents rashes & very convenient while travelling too. Few wipes can be used to clean faces too.

Oil Massage:
Before Bathing, applying baby oil for a few minutes is a good practice. While oiling, massages is a must. This makes bones & skin flexible, which helps in developmental activity. For skin, oiling prevents dryness and massaging result in advocate blood flow, which in turn helps skin glow.
Timing for bathing is also important. Bathing should be done before 11 am, preferably early morning hours. This practice has been done from ages as it said that an early morning bath boasts body and mind. Evening hours are for short showers. Short showers are needed when you start them with solid foods as dirt will be accumulating in the neck, ear hands & legs. .

Clothes and toys
Baby clothes with beautiful prints, attractive design, colorful buttons are in the market these days, but are those soft for your lo skin?
We prefer white cotton clothes as bed sheets and blankets as we can identify dust easily. We used 1st 3 months white nappies instead of diapers. Diapers were used only during nights. As he was born in summer and climate here is sunny we prefer cotton thin clothes. After Bath, we swaddled for 1st 4 months to retain babies skin moisture and prevent from damage. Selecting good towel & soft brush for combing is advisable. 

During rainy season as mosquito can harm his skin, we used mosquito nets or full sleeves shirt and pants.
Now he has started crawling and as a result, we see skin darkening near his knee. So we have started wearing knee pad for protection. These are made up of soft woolens, hence are soft for skin. We also have huge play mats so that his playtime is skin friendly. 

Toys should be baby friendly too, as babies have a thumb rule, i.e. 'anything on hand is in the mouth'.

As they start with their developmental activity like rolling over, crawling, sitting and standing; they are bound to fall. So we need to make sure that surfaces where they play or sleep are safe, soft and clean.

Last but not the Least
The hardest job of parenting is to make sure your child has a good night sleep. Babies are very sensitive ;wakes up immediately after urinating. Diaper are savior in these cases and better than protective sheets.
Selecting right brand which is compatible for your kid is a difficult task. I have been using many brands based on his body structure as first 6 months he used to gain weight spontaneously and we had to shift from one size to another. If Diapers are too tight it can lead to red rashes and if it's loose, it leads to leakage.
But a key point when it comes to choosing diapers is we need to make sure water retained should not create moisture inside the diaper. This moisture makes them irritated and later creates rashes. If your LO is urinating frequently, diapers need to be changed frequently. Pedestrian recommends changing diapers every 4 hours is best practice.
Best among them are Pampers active and Pampers Pant. During the early months as I had to change diapers on a regular basis, I preferred active as it was open diapers. As of now he sleeps for 6 hours continuously, hence I prefer Pants.

I have recently purchased Pamper Premium and yet to try it out. The product targets soft skin as its main goal and this feature has lured me into it.
Here is a little intro of Premium from the makers themselves; It is sure to attract everyone.
Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is #SoftestForBabySkin and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy.
To conclude, it's all about the experience which matter when it comes to taking care of that innocent little one. So make sure you have your elders at hand length when in need. Try to be cautious about major road blocks, but we don't need to worry too much about the minute ones. As motherhood comes only once in life, we need to enjoy it along with these warnings.
At the end, it's their happy smile which matters the most.
Isn't it!!

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