A letter from an alien
Greetings to all fellow humans of planet earth. In this life of your own, i thought i was also one among you, i thought i was a human just like you but i was wrong and you too. I am an alien with the mask of human for disguise.
And there is a tendency of aliens to hate human and i am feeling so for sometime. It surly is happening, oh human(s) :(
Some of the impacts:
Just an argument : I start to argue on one matter and i will set a standard plan to talk to my competitor, human. But once he/she starts up, i end up saying "yes you are right!!". I mean i am a fool.I have lost the agenda of what i am talking. Forget about the argument, i think i have lost even the conversation level. I am sure i have become like that martian from the bugs bunny show. I don't give a value to my own thought. Hello,.... wake up!!!
Next, Humans don't have agenda or any fixed thinking on what to do next and when i plan my own agenda it becomes a funny factor for them.They discourage it and send it on waves. huh!!
Cut pasting about my behavior it looks mere no importance for humans.There problem, yes, please!!! hear it as if it has been a world's biggest issue and my issue is mere waste. Please don't listen to it
Human don't have a courage nor they let others to be courageous.
Human flatters for a problem and see others problem and forget there own. They don't actually solve any problem.
Animals around : More and more pleasing compare to the humans. Even a cat listens to all my happy and sad stories. It just listens to me, it just sits beside me and listens to what i want to say. Neither it interpreters nor it suggests.
Wish : I wish there where no humans and i was the only alien in the whole world with my dear animals, birds and botanical friends
About me ( How i know that i am an alien ) : I am alien because i don't think like humans. Its too difficult to find me in the human world because i am in disguise.
But when you find any of my species, you will merely thrown into the cyco world or turn them into human and eliminate the waste of analyzing our utmost intelligence.So i am not going to give out my name and location. I will be indulge in your own world but you will find me when i become supreme :)
Cheers Alien
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