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Saturday, November 21, 2009

When does Journey of life begins

"When does journey of life begins?” is the best question asked. Some times something happens in life which we never expect and we turn to blue for what was not happened. We curse our luck and almighty; neglecting the small happiness which went unseen.

1. Point in life: Dream shutters don't dangle. Just check which would be the nearest place, to be nearer to your dream.

Example of my own: I wanted to become a Doctor. I had dreamt of it and I will always. I never can become one now. And why I did not become might be I was not so steady in getting it. I cursed god a lot that time, unknowingly of course. First time I realized how a dream shutters! This is not the end of a dream, its fruity beginning because there I joined Biotech, BE. My cousin was there in the CET cousin along with me pleading to take Computer science but even then it was BE in Biotechnology.

2. Point in life: It’s not very easy to achieve what you want. Think always that I will reach there and never give up. You will.

It is not always so. You will fill it. Like an imaginary power pushing you towards it. But "never give up means you have do something” remember that.

3. Point in life: Aimlessly push yourself to the thinks which everyone is against of, but which you think is right. You will see the incredible happiness within you.

I never thought I wanted to join my company. This is not at all my dream company, but even then I have fought with my parents to leave home for this company. Surly i don't like it either, but because of this company i have learnt a lot. So lovingly or not I have to appreciate it for that.

4. Point in life: Think over for the stuffs which were the worst in your life, you will see hidden truth in it. - I don't know y but this is true.

5. Point in life: Sometime lie to your dear ones. It will help. Chuma lie- No examples I can't share my lies ;-)

6. Point in life: Always do what you like. Whatever it is; (Right, wrong). Even smoking and drinking doesn't hurt you until you love them. Seriously think :). Do you love your cigar than sure to you won’t get any disorder but the day you start hating it will take a big revenge :)

7. Point in life: When there is lot of disturbance in the road in which you are driving, take a deviation. Go to some other road, at least for some duration. Yes I am following this, m actually fed of being a software engineer and dreaming about biotechnology. So a perfect deviation is to become a Writer.

9. Point in life: Don't always follow the Role. Be unique and create your own style.

10. Point in life: Don't listen to people who are too intelligent and people of no intelligence. Listen to the rest. This is strictly because at the end of the day nobody can prove what the correct path is really.

11. Point in life: But decide on your own.

12. Point in life: Always be diplomatic. It will make everyone happy. That’s the point.

Last But One Point in life: First of all, Love all living being except human. Then Humans. (I don't like number 13 so :))

Last One: Point in life: Love yourself dude. :)

PS: Can I become a Writer??....what’s say??


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